Frequency counter with a PIC16F628 / Sagedusmõõtja PIC16F628 baasil / Частотомер на PIC16F628 + делитель частоты (прескалер)
Version 1
Version 2
* Added a prescaler stage (MC12080)
* Previous buffer stage (NE592) has been removed and replaced with a transistor (fet + bipolar) stage
* Programming button has been mounted on the rear panel of the counter
* Previous buffer stage (NE592) has been removed and replaced with a transistor (fet + bipolar) stage
* Programming button has been mounted on the rear panel of the counter
Minu suurimad tänud Wolfgang "Wolf" Büscher’ile (DL4YHF) ja
Felch’ile – meestele, kes olid nõu ja jõuga abiks selle counteri loomise
juures !